2 0 1 6 S c h e d u l e
Jan 8 at 8pm
Faculty Recital
with Flutist Kathryn Flum and violinist Dmitri Pogorelov
DePaul University, Chicago, IL
Gaubert: Suite
Schwantner: Black Anemones
Foss: Three American Pieces
Schumann: Three Romances, Op.94
Gaubert: Médailles antiques

Jan 9
Adjudicator for DePaul Community Concerto Competition
Jan 11 at 7:30pm
Chicago Chamber Musicians Ensemble
with violinist Joe Genualdi, violist Rami Solomonov and cellist Clancy Newman
Ganz Hall, Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL
Brahms: Sonatensatz
Brahms: Piano Quartet in G Minor, Op. 25
Jan 15 at 7:30pm
Program to include works by Ibert, Rachmaninoff, Creston, Piazzolla, Morricone and Demersseman

Jan 17 at 7pm
See Jan 15 program
Jan 18 at 10am and 3pm
Program to include works by Ibert, Rachmaninoff, Piazzolla and Morricone
Jan 24 at 7:30pm
Chicago Flute Club Recital
With St. Louis Symphony Principal Flutist Mark Sparks
Gottlieb Hall, Merit School of Music, Chicago, IL
Bruch: Romanze, Op.85 (arr. Sparks)
Gubaidulina: Allegro Rustico
Gubaidulina: Sounds of the Forest
Debussy: Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun
Brahms: Sonata in F Minor, Op. 120 No.1 (arr. Jutt)

Feb 3 at 7:30pm
David Dies: An Die Musik (2016)-World Premiere
Dante Thelestam: Jag diktar for ingen (CCPA Composition competition winner)
Jordan Jenkins: What is the Grass (CCPA Composition competition winner)
Jacob Bancks: Southern Harmony (2013)
Crumb: Apparitions (1979)

Feb 17 at 7:30pm
CCPA Faculty Composition Recital
With baritone Brad Jungwirth, violist Michael Hall and pianist Dana Brown
Ganz Hall, Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL
Stacy Garrop: Keyboard of the Winds for solo piano (2015)
Kyong Mee Choi: Breathe Life III for baritone and piano (2014)
George Flynn: American Piano Howl for solo piano (2012)
Garrop: Torque for viola and piano (2006, rev. 2015)
Choi: In Void for two pianos (2012)
Feb 21 at 11am
Memorias de España: Sephardic Musical Memory
With tenor David Berger and lecture by Dr. Edwin Seroussi
KAM Isaiah Israel Congregation, Chicago, IL
Alberto Hemsi: various songs

Mar 28-29
Recording Sessions for music of Laurie Altman with soprano Patrice Michaels, CSO clarinetist John Bruce Yeh and pianist Randy Bauer.
Apr 3
Adjudicator for A.N. & Pearl G. Barnett Chamber Music Competition
Apr 10
Adjudicator for the Berkley-Pendell Piano Competition
Apr 13
Broadcast on WQXR 105.9FM and on medici.tv
With violinist Augustin Hadelich
The Greene Space, New York City, NY
Tchaikovsky: Valse-Scherzo
Stravinsky: Divertimento
Sarasate: Carmen Fantasy

Apr 17 at 7:30pm
Faculty Recital
With soprano Patrice Michaels, CSO oboist Michael Henoch, flutist John Thorne and bassoonist David McGill
Galvin Hall, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Gershwin: Preludes for piano
Madeleine Dring: selected songs
Poulenc: Trio for oboe, bassoon, and piano
Poulenc: Flute Sonata
Dring: Italian Dance for oboe and piano
Gershwin: selected songs
Dring: Trio for flute, oboe and piano
Apr 29 at 7:30pm
Rachmaninoff: Symphonic Dances
Stravinsky: Symphony in Three Movements

May 1 at 3pm
Schumann: Five Pieces in Folk Style, Op.102
Britten: Cello Sonata in C Major, Op.65
Mendelssohn: Cello Sonata in D Major, Op. 58

May 20 at 8pm
New Music DePaul
DePaul University Concert Hall, Chicago, IL
Marita Bolles: Debussy on Wagner (2012)
May 21 at 1:30pm
Laying Down the Law: Songs and Arias on Social Justice
With soprano Patrice Michaels and CSO clarinetist John Bruce Yeh
Fulton Recital Hall, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Songs by Leslie Adams, Margaret Bonds, Stacy Garrop, Lori Laitman and Patrice Michaels and William Grant Still
Solo piano works by Gershwin and Nicolai Kapustin
Laurie Altman:Laments of the Homeless Women
May 26
Patrice Michaels: Selections from The Long View

May 28 at 7:30pm
Chicago Philharmonic with Cirque de la Symphonie
Harris Theater, Chicago, IL

Jun 5 at 3pm
Performance and Masterclass with violinist Mathias Tacke and cellist Ian Maksin
Chicago Academy of Music, Chicago, IL
Jun 14 at 6:30pm
Recital with CSO horn player Dan Gingrich and violinist Dawn Gingrich
Arts Club of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Schumann: Adagio and Allegro, Op. 70
Brahms: Horn Trio in E-flat Major, Op. 40
Jun 21 all day
Jun 21 at 5:45pm
Stravinsky: Divertimento
Tchaikovsky: Valse-Scherzo

Jul 20 at 1:50pm
Recital for MSM Piano Camp
With CSO cellist Brant Taylor
Merit School of Music, Chicago, IL
Janacek: Pohadka
Schumann: Five Pieces in Folk Style, Op. 102

Jul 26 at 5:45pm
Janacek: Pohadka
Schumann: Five Pieces in Folk Style, Op. 102
Aug 23 at 5:45pm

Aug 30 at 5:45pm
Debussy (arr. Schoenberg): Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun
Poulenc: Le bal masqué
Sept 10 at 7pm
Sept 18 at 3pm
Sept 25 at 2pm
Edson Zampronha: Curva Ao Infinito (2012)

Sept 26 at 7:30pm
Mozart: Violin Sonata in A Major, K. 526
Janacek: Violin Sonata
Respighi: Violin Sonata in B minor
Sept 30 at 2pm
Concert and MasterClass with mezzo-soprano Julia Bentley
University of Illinois-Chicago, Chicago, IL
Faure: La chanson d’Ève, Op. 95
Oct 5 at 7:30pm
Alex Mincek: Pendulum II: Yap, Yaw, Yawp (Midwest Premiere)
Elizabeth Ogonek: Ringing the Quiet (U.S. Premiere)
Oct 9 at 8:30pm
Nicole Mitchell: Wild Card- Chicago Premiere
Oct 10 at 7pm
Oct 19 at 12:15pm
Live broadcast on WFMT 98.7fm and on www.wfmt.com
With CSO principal oboist Alex Klein
Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, IL
Bach: Sonata in E-flat Major, BMV 1031
William Bolcolm: Aubade for the Continuation of Life (1982)
Walmisley: Sonatina No. 1
Nielsen: Fantasy Pieces, Op. 2
Pasculli: Ricordo di Napoli
Nov 1 at 7:30pm
Schumann: Piano Quintet in E-flat Major, Op. 44
Nov 5 at 7:30pm
Rachmaninoff: Symphonic Dances for two pianos
Nov 15 at 6pm
International Music Foundation Fall Fundraiser
Perfect Pairings
With violinist Paul Huang
Woman’s Athletic Club, Chicago, IL
Kreisler: Tambourin Chinois, Op. 3
Kreisler: Liebeslied
Tchaikovsky: Waltz-Scherzo, Op.34
Nov 16 at 6pm
Mozart: Violin Sonata in A Major, K. 526
Franck: Violin Sonata
Tchaikovsky: Waltz-Scherzo, Op.34
Nov 20 at 2pm
Loeffler: Rhapsodies for oboe, viola and piano
Brahms: Piano Quintet in F minor, Op. 34
Dec 5 at 12:15pm
Chicago Chamber Musicians Ensemble First Mondays
With violinist Joe Genualdi and hornist Gail Williams
Live broadcast on WFMT 98.7fm and www.wfmt.com
Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, IL
Brahms: Sonatensatz
Brahms: Von ewiger Liebe, Op. 43 No. 1 arr. for horn and piano
Brahms: Horn Trio in E-flat Major, Op. 40
Dec. 11, 16, 18, 23, 24
Dec 17 at 1pm and 5:30pm
Prokofiev: selections from Romeo and Juliet arranged for solo piano
Dec 18 at 4pm
Fulcrum Point New Music Project
18th Annual Concert for Peace
With poets Malcolm London and Stella Binion
Hothouse at Alahambra Palace, Chicago, IL
David Lang: How to Pray (2002)
Ted Hearne: But I Voted for Shirley Chisholm (2012)
David Lang: Are you Experienced? (1987)
Terry Riley: In C (1964)